
  • woensdag 05 juni 2024

    Thanks to all!

    Thanks to all for participating in Maritime Match Day 2024! We look forward to seeing you again next year!...
  • The Last Minute Registrations are now open!...
  • dinsdag 21 mei 2024

    Registrations now closed

    As of today the registrations for MMD 2024 have closed...
  • donderdag 11 april 2024

    Registrations are open!

    Registrations are open!...
  • Registrations are now closed and all participants have received their schedules via e-mail!...
  • The regular registrations are now closed. Students who opted to participate in a case or in the speeddates have received an e-mail, with a link to a form. In this form you can let us know your preference for the case and speeddates. Please ...
  • donderdag 13 april 2023

    Registrations are open!

    Register now for MMD 2023 "Beyond the Horizon - Engineering a sustainable future". Many different companies, speeddates, cases, a CV-check and a Job interview training will make this MMD the most diverse edition ever! Register by clicking h...
  • donderdag 12 mei 2022

    Registrations are closed!

    The registrations for the Maritime Match Day are now closed! Attendees will receive an e-mail shortly with all the information. We are looking forward to the 17th of May!...
  • zondag 24 april 2022

    Registrations are open!

    Registrations for the Maritime Match Day of 2022 are now open! In the ‘Register’ tab you can find a link to the registration form. If you are not yet familiar with the MMD you can find more information in the ‘About MMD’ tab. If you are cur...
  • woensdag 23 maart 2022

    MMD 2022

    In less than two months the Maritime Match Day 2022 will take place! It will be held on the 17th of May 2022 in the TU Aula. More information about this day will follow soon. If you have any questions, you can always contact us via mmd@fr...